NPS is a team of multi-board certified healthcare professionals that provide accurate, safe and clinically superior neurophysiological monitoring.
Our goal is to reduce the incidence of surgically induced neurological deficits and improve surgical outcomes.
NPS is a research leader in the field of surgical neurophysiology and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles
What truly separates NPS from every other neuromonitoring service is that EVERY other neuromonitoring service looks to learn from the research and publications NPS has contributed to the field of surgical neurophysiology. Clinicians at NPS are regularly invited speakers and faculty at local, regional, national, and international symposia. NPS’ publications are cited widely and included within TEXTBOOKS that are used to teach intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring.
NPS provides confident & competent surgical neurophysiologists and licensed neurologists who approach each patient on an individual assessment basis and discuss with the surgeon the best plan for optimal patient outcome.
The neurophysiologists at NPS are accomplished practitioners and researchers in the monitoring of MIS spine surgery, transpsoas lateral interbody fusion, spinal deformity and intracranial surgeries. (See our peer-reviewed publications in SPINE, The Neurodiagnostic Journal, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, the American Journal of END Technology, and the European Spine Journal).
The clinicians at NPS are experts, pioneers and innovators in the monitoring of Transpsoas Lateral Access Surgeries. NPS has published SEMINAL research papers on how to reduce femoral nerve injury during transpsoas approaches to the spine. Their expertise has been tapped throughout the country to provide appropriate and correct monitoring for these procedures. They have also been asked to establish various training programs nationally and internationally focusing on their techniques to monitor these procedures.
NPS are competent in all aspects of multi-modal neuromonitoring for the following disciplines:
Spine Surgery
Cranial Surgery
Vascular Surgery
ENT Surgery
General Orthopedic Surgery
Why Use NPS?
NPS has been providing high-level health care for over a decade
NPS is a clinical leader in the field of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
>40 papers published
NPS’ works have been cited in textbooks used to teach intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
NPS is accredited by the Joint Commission
NPS’ clinical staff hold appointments in regional and national societies and are looked towards as experts in the field of surgical neurophysiology.
NPS clinicians are active members of the surgical community and hold membership with various educational associations
American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring (ASNM) - Hold a current board seat
ASET-The Neurodiagnostic Society - Hold a Co-Chair position for the Neuromonitoring Interest Section
American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM)
International Organization of Electroneurodiagnostic Societies (OSET)
International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS)
North American Spine Society (NASS)
American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS)
New York Chapter of ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society - Hold the current President position
Consistency and Continuity:
NPS will provide the same one or two experienced neurophysiologists to be part of YOUR OR team. NPS does not believe in using different clinicians for the same surgeon as it leads to a disruption in the continuity of care and can be harmful to patient outcomes
Clinical Ownership:
NPS is owned and operated by clinicians who make the patient and practice of IONM our number one priority.